Bubuka tungtung karbon komutator


Pamakéan sanyawa karbon jeung karbon pikeun ngahasilkeun komutator motor DC ditalungtik ku élmuwan Jérman ti mimiti Perang Dunya II.
Sanggeus eleh Jérman, élmuwan Jérman kawengku ku militér AS sarta diasupkeun neruskeun panalungtikan maranéhanana.
Tapi nalika motor brushless kaluar, éta meunang perhatian kalayan umur panjang na. Karya panalungtikan dinatungtung karbon commutatorsgeus nyangsang pikeun sawatara waktu.
After the automobile adopts the EFI device, the fuel pump cannot use the brushless motor due to the limitation of volume. The fuel pump of the EFI automobile is immersed in the fuel to work, and the gasoline currently produced and sold in my country has a relatively low sulfur content. High, copper commutator working surface, in addition to the burning of electric sparks when carbon brushes are commutated, it will also accelerate wear due to chemical corrosion of sulfur. Furthermore, in order to cope with the insufficient supply of fuel in the future fuel market and to control automobile exhaust pollution, the Chinese government has started to sell corrosive ethanol gasoline on a pilot basis. A joint test by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University shows that the current additives in ethanol gasoline will cause strong corrosion to the metal commutator, resulting in a significant reduction in the service life of the car, and directly lead to various engine failures.

Dina tahap ieu, Uni Éropa sareng nagara-nagara sanés parantos ngarumuskeun standar anu relevan, sareng parantos ngamimitian ngamajukeun sareng ngagunakeun pompa bahan bakar éléktronik kalayantungtung karbon commutatorsdina cores pompa maranéhna pikeun ngaganti tambaga jeung commutators logam séjén pikeun manjangkeun umur layanan tina pompa bahan bakar. Jaman nyoko nyebar tinatungtung karbon commutatorsdina pompa bahan bakar otomotif parantos sumping.

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