Cleaner'S Motor Commutator

Cleaner'S Motor Commutator

We produce various types of Cleaner'S Motor Commutator.NIDE focuses on motor commutators in all walks of life. Our expertise is recognized worldwide, and our commutators are used in applications such as industry, household appliances, medical equipment, railways, steel mills, and naval industries.The following is the introduction of high quality Cleaner'S Motor Commutator, hoping to help you better understand Cleaner'S Motor Commutator. Welcome new and old customers to continue to cooperate with us to create a better future!

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Panjelasan Produk

Bubuka produk

DC Motor Commutator Ieu cocog pikeun vacuum cleaner motor armature. Ieu utamana dipaké pikeun ngagulingkeun arah arus diantara sirkuit éksternal & rotor. Komutator motor diwangun ku silinder sareng seueur bagéan kontak logam anu aya dina armature revolving mesin.Komutator motor Blénder mangrupikeun komponén kritis anu aya dina motor listrik Blénder. Sakumaha didadarkeun di saméméhna, paling blenders ngagunakeun-speed tinggi motor DC, sarta motor ieu mindeng ngasupkeun commutator a.Sikat atanapi kontak listrik didamel nganggo bahan pencét karbon di gigireun komutator, ngarancang kontak ngageser ku bagéan komutator anu padeukeut nalika ngagulung. The windings armature anu Sekutu kana bagéan tina commutator nu.


Parameter Produk (Spésifikasi)

Ngaran Produk :

Vacuum cleaner Motor Armature Commutator;


Nada tambaga


Hook Commutator / Kolektor


Tambaga, Baja, Sliver



Kuantitas Gigi Gigi:

24 PCS

Beurat bersih :


Fitur Produk Jeung Aplikasi

The Cleaner'S Motor Commutator dianggo pikeun mesin DC (arus langsung) sapertos Vacuum Cleaner Motor, generator DC, motor mixer, motor coét, motor coét sudut, motor mesin polishing, motor universal, jsb. Dina motor DC, komutator nyayogikeun arus listrik. kana gulungan-gulungan. Ku cara ngarobah arah arus dina gulungan revolving unggal satengah péngkolan, hiji torsi (gaya revolving ajeg) bakal dihasilkeun.


Hot Tags: Cleaner'S Motor Commutator, Disesuaikeun, Cina, Produsén, Pemasok, Pabrik, Dijieun di Cina, Harga, Kutipan, CE
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